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Want to book ensemble music or ensemble musical? Get your free personalised quote from rated performers. Submit your enquiry to 268 Ensemble suppliers listed in order of your nearest to Columbus. Alternatively change your location to view other Ensemble suppliers throughout the UK.

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Wind Power

Scottish Borders, Scotland

Cantabile Singers of Pembrokeshire

Pembrokeshire, Wales

Bearsden Choir

Isle of Man, Cumbria

Caarjyn Cooidjagh

Isle of Man, Cumbria

Beats Per Minute

Colwyn Bay, Wales


Colwyn Bay, Wales


Colwyn Bay, Wales

Blue Coat Singers

South Lakeland, Cumbria

Cantonelle Ladies Choir of Carlisle

South Lakeland, Cumbria


Carmarthenshire, Wales

Bargoed Male Voice Choir

Lancaster, Lancashire

Blackburn Cathedral Choir

Lancaster, Lancashire

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