Hire Celebrity Look alikes near Columbus

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Want to book famous speakers or best speakers in the world? Get your free personalised quote from rated performers. Submit your enquiry to 17 Celebrity Look alikes suppliers listed in order of your nearest to Columbus. Alternatively change your location to view other Celebrity Look alikes suppliers throughout the UK.

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to 17 Celebrity Look alikes listed below for free no obligation quotes

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Jade Roberts


John Allen


Austin Powers' BEST Impersonator!

Aberdeen, Scotland

MJ lookalike

St Helens, Merseyside

Mariah Carey Look-A-Like

Caradon, Cornwall

Brent Mendenhal


Moss Martin

Macclesfield, Cheshire

Mr. T look-alike

Northampton, Northamptonshire

Clark Gable

Hounslow, London

Steve Wright

Hounslow, London


City of London

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