Hire Bagpipes near Columbus

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Want to book bagpipe music or bag pipe music? Get your free personalised quote from rated performers. Submit your enquiry to 63 Bagpipes suppliers listed in order of your nearest to Columbus. Alternatively change your location to view other Bagpipes suppliers throughout the UK.

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to 63 Bagpipes listed below for free no obligation quotes

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Donald Brown - Scottish Highland Bagpiper

Galway, Ireland


Ayrshire, Scotland

Ceilidh Band

Glasgow, Scotland

tartan music

Glasgow, Scotland

Highland BagPipes & Dancers

Stirling, Scotland

Caledonian Cowboy

Falkirk, Scotland

Duncan mackinnon

Perthshire, Scotland

Scotia Pipers

Fife, Scotland


United Kingdom

Graeme Barrie Bag Pipes

Midlothian, Scotland

The Bagpiper London

Pembrokeshire, Wales

Eskimo Bonfire

Colwyn Bay, Wales

Browse Bagpipes near Columbus, watch video demos, read a short description and compare prices or click through for more details before placing your booking online to hire your chosen Bagpipes.